That's not a slur on The Guardian which I think is as fine a national newspaper as you'll get in this media driven, celebrity obsessed world. Admittedly I read The Times offline but only because they deliver it to my door whilst I'm still sleeping. (Well, I say 'read'. Increasingly it just gets recycled. Once the builders are gone though we'll get our mornings back).
Anyway, where was? Oh yes, Guardian readers heavily disguised as Daily Mail readers. Just check out the petty vitriol heaped on this poor columnist who dared to say that maybe the Brand-Ross debacle was slightly over egged.
It left such a eggy taste in my mouth I left a comment myself (I know, makes me no better than the rest of them but I'm working at home, not feeling very well and have twice lost a proposal I'm writing due to technical ineptitude).
But I'll come clean, I'm only really posting something to check Typepad has let me back in - my account got suspended because I forgot to pay / update card details or some such foolery. I've sorted it now though - let me in!