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February 25, 2007



Now I can hardly sit here and say in all honesty that Burnley should be on the top of anyone's must-visit list, especially as I've emigrated to the States to get away from it.

However, The Shooters is sat atop a lovely little hill with the grandest view of Pendle Hill one could wish for. Unfortunately, the smog, fog and inclement weather means you only get to see it three days a year.

I'm just in the process of moving the blog onto the main domain and starting to write it again as the main site broke during a host move.

And it's more of a blog about the landlord. His typing isn't what it used to be after he lost his middle fingers in some industrial accident circa 1974.

Thanks for the mention, and I'll be sure to add you to our blogroll.


Hi Woody

Thanks for checking in! Great news that your blog is back up and running, I'll add you to my siteseeing section as well.

And one day I really hope to go to The Shooters, it sounds great!


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